Education Programs
Our education programs utilize evidence-based programming and embed the fundamentals of socialskilled, which are: learning and working with others, making friends, and keeping friends.
Our low ratios and experienced staff create the perfect environment for learning and fun.
Direct Instruction Tutoring
Direct Instruction is the explicit teaching of a specific skill-set (e.g., reading, spelling, writing)
that follows a structured program and is delivered by an Ontario certified teacher.
This service is offered weekly in both private and small group settings, based upon availability.
Skilled for Literacy™
Ages are flexible
Skilled for School™ Booster Groups
Booster groups work to build up your child’s literacy and numeracy skills and enable them to be more successful at school. Our groups are led by educators using evidence-based curriculums.
A bonus of our groups is that all activities embed the fundamentals of socialskilled, which are: learning and working with others, making friends, and keeping friends.
Numbers with Friends™
Ages: 5-8
Phonics with Friends™
Ages: 5-8
Stories with Friends™
Ages: 8-12
Study Skills
Ages: 13 and up
Contact Us
Head Office:
525 Brooker Ridge, Unit 101, Newmarket, Ontario*
Phone: 1-800-303-1354
*Please note, we do not have office hours. Please contact us via email.