When children are faced with stress and uncertainty they often use play as a way to soothe their minds and gain a sense of control.  Play is a powerful tool that develops creativity and imagination. It can foster critical thinking, support fine and gross motor skills, and promote oral communication, all while delivering the emotional and behavioural benefits of lowered anxiety and increased self-esteem.

The power of play becomes necessary during negative times of change and unpredictability.  Play is an easy way to manage stress, and is just plain old fun.

Here are 10 reasons to play during times of stress.

  1. Play is fun and can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
~Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.
  1. Fantasy play allows children to create a world where they decide what happens and they can predict what goes on. Control and predictability are two pillars of stress reduction.
~Megan Gunnar, Ph.D.
  1. Play is the natural way that young children discharge the tensions of their daily lives.
~David A. Crenshaw, Ph.D.
  1. A good laugh has short and long-term effects and can stimulate organs, relieve stress response, soothe tension, increase personal satisfaction, and improve mood.
  1. Play teaches children how to work together and, at the same time, how to be alone. It teaches them how to be human.
  1. Play helps them (children) learn how to work together in groups and to share, negotiate and resolve conflicts
~Olivia Saracho, Professor of Teaching and Learning
  1. Play energizes and enlightens us.  It eases our burdens.  It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens up new possibilities.
~Stuart Brown
  1. Children find normalcy and comfort in playtime.
  1. Stimulating play behaviour enhances the adaptability of a child to a (chronic) stressful cognition and promotes cognitive, social, emotional and psychomotor functioning, thereby strengthening the basis for their future health.
  1.  Play is a powerful experience for developing self-regulation, a central ability in children’s coping with stress.
~National Scientific Council on the Developing Child

Remember, play isn’t just for kids.  Take some time every day to get down and play so you too can reap all of the benefits play has to offer

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old,

we grow old because we stop playing.”

~ George Bernard Shaw

Being a parent is hard.  Our goal at socialskilled is to make it a little easier and we hope this blog has helped in some small way.  We are so happy that you stopped by and would love to hear from you.  Send us your questions or suggestions through our website or socials.  We are in this together.

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